Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Dooshiest Celebrity Pimp Story

James Lipton, host of "Inside the Actor's Studio" as a young man worked in Paris as a pimp >>

"This was when I was very very young, living in Paris, penniless, unable to get any kind of working permit... I had a friend who worked in what is called the Milieu, which is that world and she suggested to me one night, `Look, you'll be my mec... We would translate it perhaps... as pimp. We were earning our living together, this young woman and I, we made a rather good living, I must say."

And set up live sex shows for American Tourists >>

"I had to accompany my clientelle to the Rue Pigalle, which is where these things occurred. And then I'd take them up to the room and I had to remain there because they were very nervous, they were young Americans for the most part... and they didn't speak French."

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