Saturday, April 17, 2010
The Killer Doosh

Saturday, April 10, 2010
Dooshquest Top 10 2010
I have been lackadaisical in my dooshquest efforts lately, but have no fear, I've been doing recon work along the way. I have casually dated, hooked-up, fallen in love, revisited old flames, and gotten over someone all in one year.
How could all of that happen, and yet I am still as single as it f*cking gets? **Sign** Eh, who really gives a rats ass, right? To each his own.
Speaking of "to each HIS own," let's reflect on the behaviors of these men who have come and gone from my life over the last 12-months. Truthfully, I've never wanted to use this blog to bash the men with whom I spend my life -- regardless of how flippant or serious the relationship. So with that in mind, it's all in good fun, and here's my Top 10 list of the dooshiest behaviors (that I can recall). Love you guys!
10. Flirt with another woman when you are two feet away from me.
9. Continue to snooze in MY bed as I leave for work.
8. Get way more drunk than me on the first date.
7. Suggest bathroom sex as positive alternative to bunk beds/roommates.
6. Show me photos of your mom and ex-girlfriend on the first date.
5. Insist I visit you in a foreign country, and then bail once I purchase my flight.
4. Think that exhaustion spawned by a 24-hour poker game is a legit excuse for breaking a date.
3. Say good-bye via text message and move to another country.
2. Own Crocs.
1. Speak Spanish as a first language.
Discretionary Doosh
Then this [other] guy walks up to him and says "heyyyyy mannnn!!!!!!!!! Congrats, DUDE! I heard you got engaged this weekend!!!"