So, you know how when you go and try on a bra in Victoria Secret, the sales lady always pesters you about having the right size. “Do you want me to come in and measure you-- just to make sure? It’s free!” Usually, I am really not feeling it and I have a pretty good sense of what works and what doesn’t, but I bring this up, because there should be a similar sort of program set-up for men purchasing condoms.
Apparently, a lot of men are incapable of figuring it out themselves and buy ones that are either too small (lucky gents) or too big (so sad). I know that a lot of condom purchases are more on the fly – but I get the impression there is a serious lack of education among men in this country.
The fact that a woman has to tell you if YOUR condom fits makes absolutely no sense to me. Maybe it’s not a fitting before you buy necessarily, as that could get a little weird. But, maybe it’s some sort of virtual webinar explaining size, shape, and whatever else a guy should know so that sh*t stays put. Bottom line, it is about the safety of both parties or multiple parties in some cases. I am starting a movement as of today, probs after I eat dinner, that will demand more condom education in public schools. After all, saying, "Oh f*ck" right after blowing your load really kills the mood.